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WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit

Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $5.00.

WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit is a comprehensive plugin for efficiently managing your WooCommerce store. With features like bulk text manipulation, value adjustments, dynamic SKU management, and a powerful selection manager, it simplifies product and variation management through a user-friendly, spreadsheet-like interface.

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Name WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit
Type Plugin
File Name woocommerce-advanced-bulk-edit
File Type zip (Installable Archive)
File Host | Mirror
Updated On: 3 weeks ago

WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit

WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit is a powerful and versatile plugin designed to streamline the management of your WooCommerce store. It provides an efficient way to make extensive bulk modifications, enhancing store management efficiency. With a user-friendly, spreadsheet-like interface, this plugin facilitates easy navigation and quick edits for products and variations.

Core Features:

  • Product Filtering: Filter products by title, category, price, SKU, and more.
  • Bulk Text Manipulation: Append, prepend, or replace text in text fields.
  • Value Adjustments: Increase or decrease values by percentage or amount.
  • Sale Price Generation: Generate sale prices from regular prices in bulk.
  • Category and Attribute Management: Manage categories and attributes efficiently.
  • Field Value Copying: Copy values between fields in bulk.
  • SKU Management: Dynamic SKU generation and management.
  • Customizable Display: Show/hide product fields as needed.
  • Product and Variation Management: Create and manage products and variations efficiently.
  • Custom Meta Fields and Taxonomies: Support for custom meta fields and taxonomies.
  • Selection Manager: Powerful selection manager for precise edits.
  • Revert Changes: Option to revert changes to original values.
  • Translation Support: Built-in translations for various languages.
  • Save and Load Fields: Save and load sets of product fields for future use.
  • Visual Indicators: Visual indication of changed cells.
  • CSV Export: Export products to a CSV file for viewing purposes.

What’s New (Changelog) in WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit v5.4.2.3

  • Fix: Error when adding images for gallery in bulk.
  • Fix: Issue when saving attributes.

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